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Thasneem Basheer: My English Learning Journey at ESOL

Read about Thasneem Basheer, a student from Thrissur, Kerala, who worked hard to improve her English skills at ESOL. With the help of great teachers, Thasneem turned challenges into successes and opened up new opportunities for herself.

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Thasneem Basheer  



Hello, I am Thasneem Basheer, and I come from the culturally rich city of Thrissur, nestled amidst the stunning landscapes of Kerala. My journey with the English language began as a soft whisper echoing through the corridors of my curious mind, urging me towards the vast realms of literary exploration.

Early Fascination with English

During my youth, English appeared as a shimmering oasis amidst the vast desert of linguistic diversity. Its melodious cadence and nuanced expressions captured my senses, drawing me towards its luminous shores.

Challenges in Learning English

Embarking on the journey to master the English language, I encountered a labyrinth of challenges that tested the resilience of my resolve. From the intricate web of grammar rules to the labyrinthine nuances of pronunciation, each hurdle presented an opportunity for growth and refinement.

Experience at ESOL

My time at ESOL proved to be a transformative odyssey, a crucible in which my English skills were forged and honed to a luminous sheen. Through a comprehensive curriculum encompassing listening, speaking, reading, and writing, I navigated the labyrinthine corridors of language acquisition with dexterity and finesse.

Grammar and Vocabulary

In the realm of grammar, I meticulously dissected the intricate scaffolding of syntax and morphology, fortifying my command over the structural foundations of English communication. Simultaneously, the kaleidoscopic tapestry of vocabulary unfolded before me under the guidance of my mentor, Ms. Vrinda.

Pronunciation and Intonation

Pronunciation and intonation emerged as focal points of refinement as I endeavored to sculpt my speech into a symphony of clarity and resonance. Through rigorous practice and attentive guidance, I mastered the art of enunciation, infusing my utterances with the mellifluous cadences that resonate with native fluency.

Reading and Writing Skills

Moreover, the crucible of ESOL provided fertile ground for the cultivation of my reading and writing skills. Immersed in a tapestry of literary masterpieces and scholarly discourse, I honed my ability to comprehend complex texts and articulate my thoughts with eloquence and precision.

Interaction with Teachers and Students

Interacting with teachers and fellow students in the ESOL class provided invaluable opportunities for growth. Teachers helped me speak freely and corrected my grammatical mistakes, while structured listening tasks enhanced my comprehension skills.

Notable Achievements

Notable achievements adorn the tapestry of my progress, each a testament to the indomitable spirit that propels me ever forward. From conquering complex grammatical structures to expanding my lexicon with a kaleidoscope of words, each milestone stands as a beacon of triumph, illuminating the path towards linguistic mastery.


In essence, my language learning journey is a testament to the adage that perseverance paves the path to proficiency. With each stride forward, I embrace the promise of continuous growth and the boundless possibilities that await on the horizon of linguistic exploration.

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