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Transforming My English Journey: A Testimonial by Mohammed Abdul Mughni

Follow the inspiring journey of Mohammed Abdul Mughni, a dedicated doctor from Hyderabad. Sparked by his love for English movies and news, Mughni's quest for English proficiency became essential as he planned his postgraduate studies abroad. Witness his determination to master English, enhancing both his professional and personal growth.

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Mohammed Abdul Mughni  


Introduction: A Passion Ignited

My name is Mohammed Abdul Mughni, and I hail from the vibrant city of Hyderabad, India. My initial interest in English was sparked by watching movies and English news channels. Growing up, English was my second language. Frankly, I didn't see the need to improve my English until I began planning to move abroad for my post-graduation, which required proficiency in English.

Overcoming Challenges: The Struggle is Real

Lack of Confidence

The most daunting challenge I faced was my lack of confidence. This was my primary concern, as I felt hesitant and unsure while speaking English.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Another significant hurdle was using proper vocabulary and grammar. I often found myself struggling to find the right words or construct sentences correctly.

Fluency in Speaking

Lastly, my fluency in speaking English was far from where I wanted it to be. This further fueled my determination to improve my language skills.

The ESOL Experience: A Beacon of Hope

Exceptional Tutors

My journey at ESOL has been nothing short of transformative. Thanks to my wonderful tutors, Ms. Shweta and Ms. Vrinda, I can feel my skills improving daily. Their dedication and teaching methods have played a pivotal role in my progress.

Building Confidence

The improvement in my confidence is noticeable. With the support and encouragement of my tutors, I have become more self-assured in my ability to communicate in English.

Expanding Vocabulary and Grammar

My vocabulary and grammar have seen significant enhancement. The lessons at ESOL have equipped me with the tools to express myself more accurately and effectively.

Achieving Fluency

Though my journey at ESOL is not yet complete, I can already sense a marked improvement in my fluency. I feel more comfortable and natural while speaking English, particularly in my workplace where I use it regularly.

Looking Forward: A Bright Future Ahead

Continuous Growth

I am eager to continue my learning journey at ESOL. I am confident that as I progress, my English skills will only get better, helping me grow both personally and professionally.

Connecting with People

One of my goals is to use my English skills to connect with more people, understand their concerns, and get to know them better. I believe that effective communication is the key to building strong relationships.

Conclusion: A Journey Worth Embarking On

In conclusion, my experience at ESOL has been incredibly enriching. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and improve my English, and I look forward to the continuous growth and learning that lies ahead. Thank you, ESOL, for being a crucial part of my journey and helping me achieve my goals.

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